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Old 02-06-2010, 02:56 AM   #65 (permalink)
Formerly: Dances_With_Potter

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Originally Posted by Whitterz View Post
Torin returned into the corridor a moment later carrying the tarantula in his hand. "Okay, thanks for telling me that you found him." Because he didn't want to have the thing loose in the school where someone could kill it. Poor spider. No girls seemed to understand him.

Then he remembered what Cadence told him before. "Why were you sleeping in a washroom?" Because that was odd.
Originally Posted by ImAGrape View Post
Pierre rolled his eyes at what the girl said. He really didn't care. He still didn't think that anyone should be afraid of spiders. They were actually really interesting creatures.

Then, the boy who had lost the spider came out. Pierre stood there as he questioned the girl why she was sleeping in the washroom.
"Uhh..." Cadence's face suddenly became very red and she unfolded her arms in order to begin nervously playing with the ends of her hair. The words came very quickly "It was dumb, really. I was walking along the Pathway with my boyfriend and this girl threw a pie at him and so we came inside so he could get washed up. Then, he and I got in a really big fight in the hallway about how I always let mean people get to me when I should just let it go and then he walked away and I shut myself in the washroom and cried and accidentally fell asleep." She finally took a breath and stared at the floor. Yuck... word vomit tasted just about as bad as the real thing. Torin was probably going to go tell the Headmaster that she was this crazy girl who slept in the bathrooms...
It's the way you're smiling at me. It's in the way you hold my hand.
It's the way I've watched you change me from a boy into a man.

It's a million things about you, and I don't know what it is. I have never known a love like this.

Last edited by CruppieMom89; 02-06-2010 at 03:02 AM. Reason: bad grammar. ick.
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