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Old 02-05-2010, 03:49 AM   #54 (permalink)
Formerly: Dances_With_Potter

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Originally Posted by Whitterz View Post
Aww, darn it. He sighed and tried not to frown as yet another person told him that they hadn't seen his spider. But he wasn't going to give up looking for it and hopefully no one killed it.

"Last time I saw him was before I fell out of the tree in the Pathway."

Then he heard Cadence. He remembered her from the train. "Giant spider in the bathroom? Where?" That was probably his tarantula.
Originally Posted by ImAGrape View Post
Pierre felt kind of bad because he didn't know where this boy's spider was. Then he heard a girl run screaming out of the bathroom. "I think she might know where your spider is, he said motioning to the girl." He chuckled slightly at how freaked out the girl seemed. He never understood how people could be afraid of spiders. He watched as this boy went and talked to the girl. Pierre was glad that the guy possibly found his spider.
"Under sink." she spat out. Oh she didn't feel good at all. That thing had crawled on her while she was asleep! She could still feel it crawling all over her skin. Cadence felt like she was going to be sick and couldn't stand still. She kept fidgeting at the thought of that thing being on her. "G-go take care of it? Pleeeaaase." she said in a whiny voice, hiding behind Torin a little. He was a Prefect! He should deal with these things!
It's the way you're smiling at me. It's in the way you hold my hand.
It's the way I've watched you change me from a boy into a man.

It's a million things about you, and I don't know what it is. I have never known a love like this.
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