Originally Posted by
Anna Banana As heartbreaking as Jake's little pout was, Gabriella wasn't going to bend on her decision to administer two doses of Pepperup. In the longrun, he'd thank her. Despite how inconvenient the potion was to the ears and to the tastebuds, it would end up being just about the only thing that would heal this..."pneumonia," she said, saying the last word aloud.
"That's what this has developed into," she said, thinking the boy had maybe already come to that conclusion. She shook her head at the way his palms covered his ears. She knew it was probably really uncomfortable and embarrassing, but it was also the feel of being healed. "I'll take care of that note for Professor Lupa. In the meantime, though, just let the steam come out naturally. It won't take as long that way."
While she waited for the steam to die out, she started on the note for Professor Lupa:
Now that was just a pure epic fail. Pneumonia... how typical! Jake scrunched up his face at the instruction to let the steam come out naturally, and hesitantly pulled his hands away from his ears.
Merlin, this was so degrading... but already Jake was feeling the benefits...
Though the peppery taste was disgusting.
"Whoever invuhh-vented that sssstuff deserves to huhh-have it ppppoured into thuhh-their ears, so they duhh-do!" Jake exclaimed, a curious feeling now about his ears. Had it stopped yet?
"Surely it duhh-damages the ear-duhhh-drum, the ssssteam..."