Whoop!Phyre || ❤LiliAnzaScarNatAmyEmi || Professional Vigilante || The Flying Tomato Sapphyre glanced at her runes and sighed, knowing exactly what question she'd ask. What is to come from the fight between Violet and Elizabeth and Marie?
With a dedicated, gentle toss, she let the runes go and do their work. Watching them play out, she glanced to the farthest from her. The Moon. Change. Well, of course there would be change... The Rings! Commitment. Hopefully, that meant that Violet and Conan would stay together. By the following Romance, she assumed it did. The Crossroads... Yes. Argument, struggle, decisions... And finally, the Scythe. Yes! An end! Well, all of that made sense, in relation to the situation. Good. She liked this.
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