This is for all my readers so far! Wish I Was In Florida! | The Avengers | Music | HP Boxset - my life since Xmas! | Luna Lovegood
I woke up feeling loved. For a first time, that was incredible, I thought. I stretched out and ran my hand along Teddy's pillow. My hand searched for him but he was gone.
''Teddy. Where are you?'' Typical. I lose my fiance after our first night of 'you know what'. ''Ted!''
I sat up and grabbed all items of clothing from the floor, I was still yelling for him. I checked around the flat, the bathroom, other bedroom and the livingroom. When I got to the kitchen I saw him.
There he was. Wearing only jeans. How lucky am I? He was singing, dancing and cooking me breakfast. The Forever Knights' new song was blasting from the wireless playing their new song 'Blow out my fire'. Uncle Harry, Uncle Ron and Aunt Hermione went to school with the lead singer. He is some Irish guy that loves Quidditch.Can't remember his name.
Ted didn't notice me when I walked in so I decided to take the opportunity to scare him. I sneaked up behind him and wrapped my arms around his waist. I went on my tip-toes and kissed his cheek. He replied with a kiss on the lips and I replied with full on major passion.
''I loved the dancing and singing.'' I giggled and his face reddened very quickly.
''Oh, you saw that?'' He looked so embaressed, my poor fiance.
We walked into the manor and I fell in love with it instantly.
''Isn't this just the perfect wedding venue?'' The host was showing us around the place.
''Yes, it is perfect!'' I was so excited I could imagine me marrying the most perfect man ever. AKA Teddy.
''It is very pretty. Would you mind telling us the price?'' Teddy always ahd to think negatively and ask silly questions. OK, this wasn't a silly question but at my time of happiness, it was unnecessary.
Nobody has to know what we agreed to pay for the venue. Put it this way: it was alot! We took the offer though,our wedding is to be there in the August of next year.
Perfect amount of time to find the Resurrection Stone.
Two Weeks Later.
''Aunt Hermione. Are you here?'' I had let myself in and was walking down the hall of 36 Godric's Hollow.
''Oh, hey Vic. I thought I heard someone come in. What's up?'' Uncle Ron was still his lanky self and his fiery hair had gone slightly weaker and older at the edges. He was still humourless, kind of, and took nothing seriously.
''Just came to talk to Hermione. Is she about?'' I hoped so!
''Sorry Vic. She is in Diagon Alley with the kids, just getting the rest of the school stuff. You know what it is like. All back to school in a week!''
''Oh, that's fine. I was just about to head there after I talked to her. I might see her there.'' Oh, please yes.
''Do you want to ring her on her mobile?''
''Don't you remember that you two are the only ones with those things. I can't work it.''
I know, I'll call it. You speak. Tell her to meet you somewhere.''
''Thanks Uncle Ron.''
I saw her with my little cousins in Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour sitting at a table for four. Rosie and Hugo were starting their ice cream and were beginning to get hyper already.
''Hey Hermione!''
''Hello angel! Are you alright?''
''Kind of. I need to talk to you, please.''
''Alone?'' I nodded. ''Kids here is some money, go to the Emporium and get owl, cat and rat food.''
''OK. Can we go to the Quidditch shop and stare at the latest brooms for ages?''
''Sure. Stick with eachother. If either of you have to found by the Young Witch or Wizard Protectors I won't be happy.''
''Yes Mum.'' I could tell that they were told this quite often and were quite bored of it.
''Do you really think so? Are you sure?''
''Yes. All the signs are there. I have enogh evidence, don't I?''
''Yes you do actually. Same symptoms as anyone I've known to be pregnant.''
''Well I was wondering if you would accompany me to St. Mungo's please.''
''Yes Vic. I'll get the kids home first. We will go to George's shop and ask him to apparate them.''
''Thank you Hermione, really.''
''No bother.''
We went to the shop and asked George to accompany them home. He knew not to ask why so he just did it. We waited for his return and then walked out. The shop was still a joke shop but with a different name. It was no longer called Weasley's Wizard Wheezes. It's new name was now FRED. It stands for Fake.Rats.Edible.Disasters.
Also it represents the huge loss in the shop. Obviously.
St. Mungo's was very busy as we were leaving.
''I don't know how to tell anyone. It is really scary.''
''I gave Ron a huge meal for the first one and wrote a note on a piece of parchment and slid it under his cutlery.''
''That is so lovely. Shame I can't and don't cook.''
''Well just tell him, it will be fine.''
''Teddy!'' I was so nervous.
''In the livingroom.''
As I walked in he pulled me into a hug.
''You might want to sit down.'' I said this while being hugged.
''OK. What is wrong?'' He pulled me with him to the couch.
''I'm going to have a baby. Our baby.''
__________________ You're just a daydream away,I wouldn't know what to say if I had you. And I'll keep you a daydream away, Just watch from a safe place, So I never have to lose. |