Was it really a surprise for the first Round? teee heee! squishy yoshi / / i ♥ stalking SS Fanclubs Banner Challenge Round One: Sirius Black - All banners must adhere to the rules of SS
- All banners must pertain to the topic of choice. For characters from the book, you may use the actors who portrayed them or drawings, either your own or of another. All we ask is that you give credit where credit is due
- Banners should be no larger than 450 in width x 200 in height pixels and must be under 60kb in size
- Do not show your banners to anyone else until the round has ended
- You may submit up to two entries per Round
- No animated images are allowed
- You have 72 hours (three days) to turn in your images
- PM all entries to the host of the Round, who is LadyNerd.
04 entries so far...
Last edited by LadyNerd; 02-04-2010 at 12:47 AM.