Originally Posted by
Anna Banana "Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious, even though the sound of it..."
As she hurried from room three to room one, Gabriella sang softly to herself. Perhaps she was just happy because the day was nearly done. Or maybe she was just remembering her time onstage in that small "Mary Poppins" role. Either way, the Healer was currently in one of her best moods as she click-clacked down to the corridor.
"Just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down..."
On that note, she stopped singing and opened the door, her happy expression fading away as she heard the sound of Jake's hacking cough. "Oh, dear," she said, taking a seat on the stool next to the bed. The boy was ill---that much she could gather. Just how he'd gotten ill and all the symptoms he may or may not have was what she didn't know. "I hear you've developed a cough, but what are your other symptoms?"
"Huh?" Jake mumbled, looking up at the Healer, blinking a little rapidly as he did.
"Uh... I huhh-had a tuhh-teeny bbbit of a c-c-cold bbbefore I was th-... fffell in the luhh-lake."
Raising a hand, Jake rested it against his chest.
"Can't buhh-bbreathe wwwell... cchhhest hurts... I d'nno."
He thought he might have a fever. But he couldn't tell. And any other symptoms were... well... he didn't know. Like, he couldn't tell he was shivering, and he was always quite tired these days, thanks to the calming draught.
"I juhh-just don't fffeel good."