Sanctuary Abnormal | HuffRavSlythDor | Guard Badger ♥ | Stargater | Awaiting Culling "Oh yeah, it was great fun! And he gave us all a holster for our wands, to make it easier to store them and whip them out when we need to.Here look..." Sarah pulled back the sleeve of her robes and twisted her arm around so Arya could see the wrist holster she was wearing.She was deeply in love with the thing.Deeply. "It's so easy! Just flick you wrist and it slids right out," complete with demonstration.It would be nice if he could go back to teaching it, but..."He didn't have much choice about changing subjects," she whispered, not sure as to why she was. "Professor Kazimeriz sorta moved him at the end of last term...letting everyone know during the feast.He was acting Headmaster at the time, and had the authority to..." Which was really cruel, and nasty.Confirming Sarah's already established dislike of the man.
The bouncing was neverending, and when Arya pulled some gum out of her pocket Sarah's suspicions were confirmed.Sugar high it was. "Thanks," she smiled, taking the piece offered to her and unwrapping it.Stuffing it into her mouth she moved it to the side so she could talk. "Perhaps you should ease up on the sugary stuff.The low after the high is...well it's not nice.I ate ten donuts in a row once, and was bouncing off the ceiling.When it wore off I felt terrible.Just a little friendly piece of advice," she winked, going back to her own chewing.