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Evan was so deep in thought that he didn't even hear the coming footsteps, and was eventually kicked due to lack of light.
"OUCH!" That hurt! Lately, a lot of parts of his body hurt. "Watch where you step, da--" he looked up as his kicker lighted a wand. It was Marie! And that was why he didn't finish his curse. Oops. "Yes, I'm OK." he said with an apologizing smile and patted the floor next to him for her to sit down. His heart started to speed up again. Well, it was kinda normal after all those struggling thoughts which might have come close to a shore but he wasn't quite sure about whether he felt friendship or not. Though she looked so pretty again... and his heart again sped up... No. NO! Friends. Because that was what she saw him as. "Umm. How are you?" Yeah, better to change the subject to keep away his stupid thoughts.
'Oh no, I did hurt him,' she thought when she heard him yell.
"I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you," she said as she sat down next to him. Of all the people here he had to be the one she kicked when Violet was the one she really wanted to kick. "I'm okay." Well not really but she didn't want to burden him with her porblems. Although they both had the same problem it seemed, Violet.
She had so many things she wanted to ask him but didn't want him to think she was being nosy too. She sat there trying to think how to ask him about Fallon so he wouldn't think she was acting like Violet. She didn't want to push him, she was just trying to figure out why her friend seemed so sad lately. Finally breaking that awkward silence that was there she hesitantly asked in a sweet non-threatening way.
"Umm Evan, is um... Fallon your girlfriend?" Oh great, that sounded like someone who was being too nosy.
"I'm sorry, you don't have to answer if you don't want to. It's just that Violet said a lot of things and made me feel like it was my fault for you two arguing." She replayed in her head what Violet had said to her,
'it seemed as if he was so interested in you it didn't matter'.