Thread: Solstice
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Old 02-01-2010, 04:30 AM   #554 (permalink)
Fallon Chanel
Join Date: Jul 2006
Posts: 21,641

Originally Posted by Spencer.Reid.Obsessive View Post
Jacob shook his head, she could call him what she wanted, he looked up at her and caught her gaze with his. "No Tariana, that doesn't make you more of I freak. I have never thought of you as a freak. I'm a freak. It's not normal to be able to transform." he gave his head a small shake, he wasn't sure how he was remaining clam right now. "And you think I sound ignorant? I might know NOTHING about magic, but listen to yourselves. You think those peoples lives are perfect? Have you talked o the Harry kid? He has lost all his family. Is that perfect?" he could feel himself shaking again. "What about the pale kid? He's so bitter something MUST have happened to him. There is NO such thing as perfect." he was tempted to turn his back and leave but knew he shouldn't. He had to stick it through, it would only make things worse for later.
Tariana was mad. No, not mad; livid. "Well then," Tariana said curtly. "You seem to know so much, Jacob Black. More than you need to know to be working for me. So how about I do you a favor? You're fired." She took a step back. "And this thing between us is over. We're over, Jacob. Any last words?" They had never faught before; she didn't know what to think, other than the raging hot emotions that poured through her veins. Tariana didn't know it was possible to be mad at Jacob, truly mad, but she was.
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