Love:Teddy and Victoire Wish I Was In Florida! | The Avengers | Music | HP Boxset - my life since Xmas! | Luna Lovegood
Hey everyone! I know it’s late. Sorry!
I was trying to make Bill unhappy about something until I figured that I didn’t know what to do.
This chapter you will realise that Bill is just a normal dad. Is that alright?
Oh, and finally some George action!
Woo hoo!
Oh and Colin Creevey didn’t die OK?
‘‘Hello! Anybody in?’’ I was in the living room and I heard Uncle George’s voice from the door.
‘‘Coming.’’ I leapt from the couch that I was sharing with Teddy and opened the door.
Uncle George, Auntie Katie, Fred and Henry were all standing out in the rain. They were all soaked! Both Fred and Henry must have just been to Quidditch practice as they were wearing their Puddlemere United Juniors robes. Fred was Beater and Henry was Chaser. They both take after their parents, very talented flyers and each the double of their parents. Fred had vibrant red hair, the same squishy nose as his Dad and the lankiness as well. Henry had Aunt Katie’s black hair and lovely jaw line; he was a little more filled out - if you know what I mean. Fred was to start fourth year this September and Henry second.
‘‘Hey Vic, sorry we didn’t come sooner but you know – work and jumbling everything. Congratulations! Where is your man?’’ George said this as Teddy came out from the living room. ‘‘Ted. Speak of the devil!’’
The hall was then filled with ‘Teddy!’ by the boys. Aunt Katie gave me a hug while George shook Teddy’s hand. Then we all swapped.
Dad and Mum were in the Leaky cauldron so the house was empty except for us, obviously. Katie and I were speaking about weddings. We were remembering her wedding day, what a day, what a disaster. I was flower girl and I flung bundles of flower petals at people on my way down the aisle. Then I tripped Katie up and she fell on to Granny, needing Uncle Charlie to get Granny a strong Firewhisky and Aunt Katie’s mum to magically sew up the hem of the bride’s dress right there and then. The photographer, Colin Creevey took pictures of every guest and blinded them all. Oh, St. Mungo’s was very busy that night.
The rain had stopped so George had gotten the boys’ brooms out of his pocket, all the guys were outside. Katie was trying to explain to me whereabouts in Diagon Alley she had bought her dress when I decided to ask her.
‘‘Do you remember my Dad ever being annoyed at any of his younger siblings getting married? Like Uncle George or Ron for example’’ She seemed a bit puzzled by this question but she answered anyway.
‘‘Don’t worry if your Dad hasn’t congratulated you yet! It really is no big deal, you will have a congratulation by the morning.’’
Maybe I should ask Aunt Ginny. She is his sister.’’
‘‘Yeah do that. She will be able to tell you what her Dad said.’’
Hello again!
It’s not my best, I know.
I basically just want you all to know what has been happening in the family for now.
Comment please!