Originally Posted by
individual "I don't know. She probably has a stash under her pillow or something." she mumbled, flicking a piece of something off the table. Gross. Looking around, she finally recognized a few people that were there. The Head Boy, Neeses the prefect, and...of course. They couldn't go anywhere without someone being on the list there too. "You could get on his good side now if you want." she gestured to Lawsguini, rolling her eyes and crossing her arms. Great...
Good, no more muggle box. It should be destroyed! Like all spiders should be! "The things they do are weird, yes, but who thinks this stuff up? They do! So, they are weird." Smiling at this AMAZING logic, she jumped for a moment, swearing that she just saw a mouse. Eh well, maybe Tiki would enjoy it...Where was that snake anyway? She hadn't seen him in forever. "You can finish fighting with Kay somewhere else. There are too many people in the Three Broomsticks to witness everything." And that would be baaaaad. No witnesses are better... Unless they didn't start it, than yea, they could have as many witnesses as they want.
Ugggh. "Fine, you could go there, but I'm not setting one foot into that place." She had yet to be there, but the way she overheard some people describing it, that would literally just give Kay and Rex a reason to laugh if they ever found out. Or would it just seem suspicious if they went there...
"Josh!" She practically yelled before clearing her throat and lowering her voice considerably. "Josh. What are you doing here?" Because, this place definitely did not seem like somewhere second years would be hanging out. Even she was considering leaving, maybe just for the lack of sanitation. Aw well, who cares. If Josh was here, than she would be here too, and try not to complain about anything either.
"Well, no we weren't. But I'm curious to see what he has planned for the next lesson." If the guy let them perform that spell on a spider, she literally could not wait to see what he does the next class. She was aware though, that there were probably a million students complaining to other professors and the headmaster about him and what he let them do, but if they couldn't handle it, they could just leave!
No way! Where would Kay get poison? Unless her dinosaur of a boyfriend gave it to her.. Unless she stole it..
'Doesn't matter, I just won't take anything off of her.' Gah, who knew where her hands been. She was probably all cootified anyway from snogging Rex. They disgusted her.
'How?' Ohh, there he was.. The Lawsonator himself.
'Crud.' Madame Puddifoot's was looking better and better.
Well, since Evelyn had put it that way, Destiny had to agree.
'They are weird.' Darn the Three Broomsticks for being crowded! Why couldn't they have all been in here instead? Maybe it was a good thing they weren't. The shopkeep would be even more scary, plus there was a Professor and Prefects in here.
'I'll have to get her when she is alone.' With Rex recruiting people, she might never be alone. *sigh*
'No, I'll stay..I guess.' Maybe something interesting will happen..like something.
'I can't go there alone!' Well, she could but she might look weird.
Originally Posted by
Lara_the_Firelady Observing the people around out of boredom, Josh sighed sadly as he tapped on the table where he was sitting alone. It was not something like Josh to do, sitting alone in a dusty bar bu he was not feeling as energetic as he usually was due to the things that had happened lately. Thinking over again there actually was no important problem with his life in the castle, plus he was too young and too cheerful to bother much about things however for some reason unknown to him, the thirteen year old Gryffindor boy was feeling like, there was something wrong with him. There should have been something wrong for he did not even move a muscle though there were familiar faces in the bar like the head boy Jack. *tap-tap-tap*
He was refusing to move a muscle for anyone till the door opened up again and two Slytherin girls stepped inside intensely concentrated on their conversation. Rose and her best associate in crime; Destiny. Smiling as he watched them moving inside, he stood up and approached them, since they were too busy to realise him in their intense conversation (he was also not so loud today). ''Hello, girls! Talking about the last DADA class?''
Ohhh goooodie.
Josh seemed..quiet today.
'Hi, Josh.' Yeah, what
was he doing in here alone? This place did not seem like a type of place Josh would just randomly go too.
'No! I do not want to talk about that class.' Those poor, poor spiders. And that very bad word she had said.