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Super Spaz "Oh come on," Dylan shook his head, "Hulk would rip the green lantern apart." Shredded. "And Iron Man rocks. His ideas, though very muggle, are quiet interesting. Creating a suit, even though he has no powers. Sounds kinda like a squib, trying to learn magic." He chuckled, "Yeah Captain America is kida nancy-ish." He reckoned if all his superheroes came across all of Diggy's his would win. Noone could take on the entire collection of the X-Men.
He looked at him like he was crazy.
"What, Green Lantern would blow him into crup kibble." He bit off the end of his sugar quill and chewed on it.
"I mean Rouge could take him." And she was a girl, not that he thought girls weren't capable of kicking butt. He had his aunt Tomasina and his sister Paris as prime examples of girls kicking serious tail, and Diggy knew first hand about Paris. He had been on the receiving end of plenty of her beatdowns.
"Now Tony Starks is amazing, his my brother's idol. And frankly the man is bad. A total gear head genius, but Iron Man is just too easy to beat." Well he was in Dillon's opinion.