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He ... did not smell nice. Or so Madiison decided anyways as she tried to uncork the bottle before her while he sniffed himself. Maybe it was just being in this dusty place.
Uncorking the bottle of butterbeer was haaaaaaaaard, for Madiison had delicate hands which were not strong enough to withstand the hard work they had been doing lately. As hard as the task may be, it was not impossible and the little girl was determined to open it. It was a pity she was not allowed to do magic outside school. Would have made her life a whole lot easier.
Aaaaand POP. Out came the cork. Oh, yeah. She was goooooooood.
It was as the girl was pouring the butterbeer into her sparkly clean glass that her eyes caught movement around her and noticed the bartender grabbing a stool to sit.
And then he LEANED forward. Without really meaning to, Madiison leaned BACK simultaniously.
Woah, this man was creepy.
He was LOOKING at her weirdly. Again. Although this was a nice weird, somehow.
... he called her a Princess again! BEAM. Beam. Beam. Smile. Beam.
Giggling one more time, Madiison took a siiiip, just like her mother had taught her, before fixing her eyes on the big man yet again. AND LOOK! His eyes were sparkly. Or was that the light?
"I was wonderiiiiing ..." The petite redhead started as she let her legs swiiiing a little but then she paused. Was there a NICE way to ask him if he was a squib? SHOULD she ask him? Di pressed her lips together in a thin line and wondered.
Maybe she should change the subject. Find something ELSE that was interesting.
"... if you like dust."
Samuel was not going to help her uncork the bottle. Nope. Wasn't going to do it. He gave an inward chuckle but his face remained impassive as he watched her face screw up with concentration as she attempted undoing the bottle.
He almost reached out to help her, merely out of frustration of how long it was taking her. But thankfully she had managed it herself. Phew he wouldn't want anyone thinking he was going soft.
Oh Merlin, did she ever stop smiling? What was there to smile about anyway? Samuel wondered if she had taken a bottle of an 'Euphoria' potion or something. It just wasn't normal for someone to smile so much especially in this place.
Samuel was starting to get bored. Was she ever going to ask him the damn question? Money or not, he was not about to sit here all day waiting for this child to...
Oh there we go.
And what?
It had taken her all that time to ask him that? The girl was daft! Samuel merely snorted at her question and got up from his stool and shrugged. "What's not to like" he answered and then pulled out his wand. "But if it bothers you so much princess." He gave his wand a small wave around her and all the dust disappeared.
"Is that better?"
Now why did he even bother doing that?
The kid was getting to him. Not good. So not good.