Join Date: Dec 2009 Location: New England
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Kaylee Strap First Year | Dragon..Dragon..Draco.. | | Sirius Lee Black
Chapter Thirty Five: Death Avenged: Part Three
Hermione drew her wand in haste then fired a spell at her opponent. She snarled in frustration as the older woman dodged the spell and fired a unforgivable curse back at her. The curse barely touched Hermione, but made her wither in pain for a few seconds. Bellatrix Lestrange let out a harsh laugh of triumph. In return Hermione sent a stunning spell which Bellatrix dodged again. Her brown eyes met the older woman's dark grey ones for a second then Hermione realized what was going to happen right before it did.
“ Avada Kedavra!” Bellatrix screamed her wand pointing at Hermione's chest, the young girl watched the green bolt of power head towards her then hit her, Harry and Ron turned to face the seventeen year old fall backwards and then hit the stone floor of Hogwarts with a hollow thud. They both turned to face the raving mad death eater. To defeat her, kill her. But someone beat them. Harry and Ron turned just in time to see two red stunning spells it Bellatrix in the back. Both of the teenager boys were incredibly to see who fired the spells. Draco ignored his aunt he had just stunned and headed straight towards Hermione's limp body. Narcissa continued to stare at her sister.
“ Hermione...” Ron ran to his friend.” Hermione.. No!” Tears started to run freely down his face. His shaky hands held one of her hands in his own.” Why? Why would anyone see you as a threat! Why would they kill you? You never killed anyone.” Ron's eyes seemed unfocused.
“ Bellatrix was a murderer, she wouldn't care what Hermione did or didn't do.. But, wait. Wasn't Hermione your horcrux?” Harry spoke up, there was a tiny tinge of hope in his voice.
“ WHAT!?” McGonagall, Fred, George, Bill, Charlie, Narcissa, Draco, Mr and Mrs Weasley echoed as one in complete shock.” Ron did what to Hermione?” They where all clearly very angry, and knew what horcruxes were.
“ It was a mistake, I didn't mean to, I didn't even know what I was doing!” Ron protested noticing how furious his family was at him and the others.” I killed a death eater at the Department of Mysteries last year and Hermione was with me. Harry and I figured it out well uh.. When I went to visit him, er.. When he was hunting down Voldemort's horcruxes.” Ron sighed.
“ Voldemort has multiple? Actually don't answer that, I wouldn't put it past him to do that.” Draco scoffed.” So... Your saying that it's possible that the horcrux part of Hermione died and she herself is still alive?” Draco certainly wanted that to be true by the sound of his voice.
“ Since when did a Malfoy care if a mudblood was dead or not? Since when did a Malfoy dishonor himself or herself by touching a mudblood?” Bellatrix had awakened and was clearly mad at Draco.” And since when was a pureblood attacked by her sister and nephew? Since when was a death eater betrayed by other death eaters? Do you not follow the Dark Lord anymore?” Bellatrix sounded beyond furious with them.
“ For your information, I'm a Black not a Malfoy, and this so called mudblood is far better at magic then you'll ever be, and she's my fiancee. And as far as I'm concerned I'm not related to you other then by blood. And I am not death eater, neither is my mother. We never will follow the Dark Lord.” Draco glared at the witch he had turned to face.” And I'll give you something you don't deserve. Avada Kedavra.” The killing curse hit Bellatrix's shocked face and she fell over spread eageled.
“ Well.. It looks like my death was avenged.” Hermione sat up with a confused look on face. She stared at Bellatrix's body with slight amusement.” I didn't think that she should have been killed for my sake.. But still. I guess there is some judgment in what you did Draco. And this is a death eater we are talking about, actually more like Voldemort's right hand. Or left.” Hermione laughed a little.
“ HERMIONE!” Harry, Ron, Ginny and Draco yelled out as one.” I was so scared that.. That.. That you wouldn't be alive.. Thank you big brother.” Ginny smiled at her brother over Hermione's shoulder.
“ Uh.. Sorry to break up this happy gathering, but um.. There are more then just my sister here attacking Hogwarts.” Narcissa looked a little wary as she watched them.” And Draco, you have a LOT to explain to me.” Draco laughed and helped Hermione up as they turned to defend Hogwarts against the real and true death eaters.
***Another part of the castle.
Nymphradora Lupin had her wand pointing at Voldemort who was clad in black robes, knowing that she'd only be killed, but she was ready to die for freedom, for hope, for her baby boy's future. Her brown eyes flitted away from Voldemort's red ones for a second so she could see the other fights around her, Bellatrix Lestrange had left some time ago following Hermione. She could feel a sudden urge, rage to find Bellatrix and kill her. Remus, her husband, was fighting Antonio Dolhov not far away. Her eyes flicked back to Voldemort just in time for her to duck the killing curse aimed at her chest. Breathing heavily she swore under her breath and fixed a spell in return at Voldemort's sneering face. I wonder if Lucius and Draco learned how to sneer from him, or if they taught him. Nymphradora thought. She laughed out loud and then decided to break the silence.
“ Mr Voldemort. Did Lucius and Draco teach you how to sneer, or did you teach them?” Nymphradora asked with more laughter, Voldemort looked furious and Remus bemused at why his wife suddenly started taunting the darkest wizard of all time.” You didn't know my cousin and his father were masters at sneering? That's to bad.” Irony filled her tone.” I thought they would think that it be a pleasure to teach his royal snakeness. But then again, the snake might bite them.” Luna, Neville and Dean were on the other side of the room fighting down grins and suppressing laughter.
“ Hey moldywart, you should take a bath.” Peeves had chosen at that very moment to dump a bucket of water on top of Voldemort's head. Laughter exploded through out the great hall. Voldemort with a unbelievable fury slashed his wand at Nymphradora, causing her to fall to the ground with great slashes appearing on her skin as she fell. Someone else sent a spell at Voldemort right at the same time as Remus, there spells collided in to Voldemort at exactly the same moment. Cuts just like Nymphradora's burst out on Voldemort at the same time as tentacles sprouted across his face.
“ Tenticallas, Remus really?” Severus Snape shook his head in amusement.” But I must admit it does make him look more like Salzar Slytherin.” Remus stared at Severus in amazement.” No.. Well yes.. I did kill Albus, but he made made me..” Before Remus could say anything a girl who looked like Severus entered the room, but she was younger. Quickly she darted over to Snape and hugged him.
“ Hey Sev. It was kinda weird... Er never mind.. But can you please explain to me what a horcrux is? And why everyone was freaked out that Hermione was Ron's.. I mean.. It's all really confusing!” The girl groaned in frustration then noticed Voldemort writhing on the ground in pain.” HIM! I HATE HIM!” She gasped and pulled out her wand keeping it trained on Voldemort as she approached him.” You made my life hell Voldemort.. And I wish there was something I could to make yours the same, because your scum. I just wish I could kill you.” The girl stomped on Voldemort's face and if he had a nose would have broken it.
“ Sc-Courtney! As satisfying as it seems do not. I repeat do NOT do that to Voldemort.” Severus snapped. Remus just eyed him for a moment then turned to his wife hoping she wasn't dead. If she was.. Remus was sure he would do exactly what the Courtney girl did. Even more...
“ But! Godfather! I don't care what he would do to me, he tore me away from my family then killed my next family. I want him dead, I want him to feel pain.” Courtney paused as Voldemort sneered, she paused just long enough to stomp on his face again.” I'm going to go find Draco and Ron.” Courtney flung her long greasy black hair out of her face.
“ What. The. Heck?” Was all Dean managed to say. Neville and Luna seemed to mirror his expression.
“ Scorpia Courtney Malfoy is my goddaughter.” Severus stated before following Courtney out of the room. Before anyone could register what happened Harry and co entered the room.
“ Voldemort.” He spat angrily.
“ Harry! Don't do anything rash, please.” Ginny tried to pull him away from Voldemort who was slowly rising reaching for his wand. No one seemed to be able to move to stop him.” H-HARRY!” Ginny managed to shriek as a green light hit him and knocked him to the ground.” HARRY NO!” Uncontrollable tears started tracing barely visible tracks down her cheeks. Silence reigned in the room for a short amount of time.
“ So... Your hero is dead, he has abandoned you.” Voldemort let out a harsh cackle.
“ Wait... No.. Wait.. Harry's not dead.” Draco spoke up. Everyone turned to face him.” He's not dead.”
“ How do you know?” Remus rounded on him.
“ I just know!” Draco snapped angrily.
“ Oh great now your turning in to a seer just like your sister.” Ron snorted.
“ WHAT?” Remus looked around wildly for some explanation, none came. Voldemort started to laugh.
“ You are all fools.. Potter is dead and there is nothing you can do to bring him back.” Voldemort's high cold tone made almost everyone in the room shiver in fear.” And I shall prove he is dead. Avada Kedavra!”
Gaah! I love drama! hehe.. I'll start working on the next chapter. The story is coming to a close soon.. Maybe 10 chapters at the most :|
Does anyone want there to be a sequel?