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Old 01-28-2010, 06:29 PM   #54 (permalink)
Ron&Hermione(L)'s Avatar
Join Date: Dec 2009
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Isla "LaLa" Williams
Second Year
heart Enjoy :D!
Three whole words, Eight letters late(8)

Right guys I've been having difficultly with my story but i have my ipod plugged in , PARAMORE on and im in my own little bubble ready to write a nice long post for you guys. Oh and the mystery girl will be revealed!

PS. PARAMORE RULES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'd like to thank KatielovesHP for putting up with me in Chemistry and giving me some great ideas thank you !

Part 2 (Hermione and Draco)

Hermione and Draco sat at a small table in The Three Broomsticks sipping on butterbeers, that just fitted on the tiny table.
"So, where are we on getting Ron back ?" Draco said Draco was talking about the plan he and Hermione had came up with the night they "got together". She had asked for his help because she needed to use him to make Ron Jelous and want Hermione back.he had to hand it to her, It was a smart plan. Although he loved the fact he was anoying weasly but he was also a little sad that Hermione was using him and she would leave him when her plan had worked which made him even sadder cause he knew it would.
"Oh. Him." She shot a look across the room to a red headed boy and a girl with straight black hair.
"I can't believe he's seeing her I mean come on when did he ever like CHO BLOODY CHANG !!!" Hermione in such a jealous range had screamed the last part and every one including the subject in question turned and looked at her. hermione stood up, grabbed Draco and ran out.
They were speed walking up hogsmeade village when Hermione spotted a side alley and pulled Draco into it.
"I. Can't. Believe. I. Just. Did. That!" she gasped between breaths. Why was she such a moron.
"Hermione, It's fine. I'm sure no one even noticed." He knew he hadn't convinced her. He was a bad liar.
"Oh, shut up." She snapped at him.
"Hermione? Why do you want to be with Ron if he cheated on you?" They were sitting side by side against the wall inside the alley. "And why did you pick me to make him jealous?" he tried to not to show how interested he really was.
" You know, right now i really don't know because ..." hermione stopped mid-sentence.
"Because?" She turned so she was facing him.
"Because I like some one else." She leaned forward slowly and kissed Draco full on the mouth. SHe stood up and walked out the alley, leaving Draco just sitting there. she ran down the main street and out of the village altogether. She didn't want to believe what she had just said. Come on this was Draco Malfoy you're talking about. Your only using him to get back together with Ron you can't be falling for him.she thought. She looked at her watch and noticed it was time for her to return to the castle. She turned to head back when she saw Harry and Ginny She quickly told them it was time to get back and left them.
Draco just sat there thinking every thing over. He had a lot of himself he had to change.

guys sorry its not that big but thats all i can squezze out right now but i've deside every time i post i'm gonna listen to PARAMORE , dance and type at the same time its a great insperation for story writing :O well it workes for me

Please post on this post all your comments mean so much to me and still feel free to give me ideas i could really use it

Kerri xx
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