Originally Posted by
Edina Fairbairn
Edina pulled out a strange looking notepad and began writing the receipt by hand. "You know that this is such a handy quill. It does all math for you. Quite ingenious, I might say," she said with a cheery smile. "So... your total is four Galleons, eight Sickles and one Knut."
And she began to wrap the items in blue tissue paper before placing them in a bag. "Oh, you don't want to make these items lighter because it will just ruin them! Why, there was this very odd and crotchety man with a mustache who tried to lighten a pack of parchment he purchased. Well, sweetie, he walked out with a handful of ashes. Very tragic."
Pulling her bunny back-pack to the front Allison gave the shopkeeper a frown,
"Imma tumble over ya know. GAaAaaAAAaahhhhhhhhh..." about to start the
real complaining Allison shut her mouth and instead retrieved her four Galleons and eight Sickles. Handing them to the lady she winced and remembered she needed a Knut. Opening her wallet once more she took out the Knut and passed it over.
Shrugging her shoulders she started at all her bags for five seconds before collecting them all. One would go on her right shoulder...yes. The other one on her right arm...yes. And the one she was about the receive, surely she could carry it on her left shoulder. Giving a quick nod to herself Allison turned to the shopkeeper and instead of the much wanted frown she wanted to give to the lady and the circumstances, Allison mustered up a smile.
"Alrighty. I gave you the money. You've given meh meh stuffies. Seems I'm all set. Thank you." Grabbing for the bag and placing it on her shoulder, Allison nearly tumbled over with all the other bags, but managed to balance herself the last second. With an awkward laugh she took one slow step at a time until she reached the door towards the exit.