Serial Prankster • Troloholic • Like a BAWS • Brae the Lionheart & Lion Cub • AnDee & Melsse
Vianna gave Ferris a weak smile as the boy noted that she was tired, as denying it would most likely be rather hopeless right about now when it was written all over her face. She listened as he told her she should go to bed before adding that he didn't want to let her go, two contradicting thoughts. She chuckled softly at this. "I don't want to let you go either, Professor," she told him softly, his chest beginning to feel rather comfortable as she let out another yawn. It was just too nice, too warm, too cozy, and too comfortable for her to want to leave; however it was also too nice, too warm, too cozy, and too comfortable for her not to start getting sleepy. "Aren't you tired?" she asked curiously, wondering vaguely if she was the only one craving sleep at the moment.
__________________ — the sun & the moon — |