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Super Spaz Ok so Dylan had done a stupid attempt at escaping. He had attempted to escape for no reason. Jake hadn't even been sick. How dare the two teachers suggest vomiting if it wasn't going to happen. "Well we can try and get it healed by ice pack," he said, eyeing the pain that Jake went through. He was levitated back onto the bed. "I think I can walk now," he nodded, trying to get up off the bed.
"Nonsense," Gabriella replied, staying in place just beside the bed. She'd already started the healing process and there was no use stopping it now.
"Your leg is broken and needs to be properly healed. Just stay put, and I'll have it mended in no time." In all actuality, Dylan's leg looked pretty badly broken.
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Zoerawrr Oh Merlin NO. No, he HATED any and all hospitals... he was sooooo out of here. The last thing he wanted was to hear the click of Dylan's leg mending. Soooo, they boy jumped straight down from the bed and swayed a little, gripping Lawson's hand harder as he did.
Looking dazed and confused, Jake looked up at the man with a pleading look. He needed to talk to the guy anyway, and he didn't want to leave on his own... since he felt icky anyway.
"Thuhh-thank yyyyyou," he mumbled, talking to everyone in the room.
Oh... he needed to go. One look at that leg was enough to make him nearly swoon...
As Gabriella continued to circle her wand around the broken parts of Dylan's leg, she heard Jake thank everyone for their part in healing his nose.
"You're very welcome, Mr. Upstead. I'm glad to know I'm sending you off with an unbroken nose. Hopefully your classmates have learned their lesson about playing fairly, as well." She suspected Marcus had assigned the kid a rather terrible detention for hurting Jake.
Originally Posted by
aussiegirl "Um...Ellie. Should I stay and help with Dylan? Or should I get Jake out of here?" Yep he would leave it up to the healer to decide, she was the professional here.
"Dylan will be healed in no time," she replied, seeing that she was nearly done with popping the broken bones back into place.
"I've got one more bone to pop then a brace to apply. Please feel free to go ahead and take Mr. Upstead." Apparently the mending of Dylan's bones had been too much for Jake, though, for his next action was to exit the room without anyone's assistance. Her eyes flickered towards Jake for a split second, then she turned back to Marcus.
"Thank you for your help." Pop!
That was the sound of the last of Dylan's broken bones popping into place. Gabriella dropped her wand and smiled at the Slytherin boy.
"All mended," she said.
"Now I'll need to brace it, so you may be down for a little while. The good news is that you'll be dismissed as soon as the brace is secured."