Snake disguised as Raven Browncoat "Hey," Kellen gave a distracted wave to Ian as the boy entered, and went back to discussing with the others. Paper and notes were all very well in the muggle world, but at Hogwarts? Where people seemed to be able to smell secrets from three floors up or down? They'd definitely need an upgrade. "A Protean charm?" Hadn't someone mentioned that in Charms class? Oh right, it had been Ian. Just to clarify, he asked Raiden, "That's the one like the Dark Mark, right? Or Hermione's Coins?" It was possible Professor Kade would help them out, but, "How do we ask him about it?"
Then he blinked as his brain caught up with his eyes, and he turned back to the new arrival, "Ian, what in the name of Severus Snape did you do to yourself?" |