~ Rise and Rise Again, Until Lambs become Lions ~ As Sabel listened to the Professor give further instructions on how to polish the broom handles, he finished up triming the tail end of the flying device, running his hand, palm down, once over the anterior surface of the twigs to make sure they had all been cut clean. He wondered what would happen if you cut them too short and figured it might be akin to shortening the wings of a plane. A bad idea in general.
He frowned a little as he carefuly, and pointedly, put the clippers back in the box; half to reassure Kellen that the danger was over, and half make sure he wouldn't jinx himself with a sudden stab or scratch at the last minute. Drawing out the cloths and polish container, Sabel set them on the bench beside himself and turned the broom slowly so that it was 'belly up'.
Leaning in a little he peered at a few of the small nicks and blemishes carved into the surface of the handle near the tail. Running a finger along a few of them he frowned a little. They were probably due to his hard landing where he had succeeded in littering part of the Quiddich pitch with twigs...and apparently fine wood shavings.
Turning slightly in his bench he caught sight of the Professor. "Sir, is there any way to patch up small dents or nicks?" Perhaps a puddy or something? He didn't think a polished 'Hello Kitty' bandage would be greeted well by the Professor or Horus. Not that he knew where to find one, but it was the first thing that came to mind with the words 'patch up'.
__________________ I've got a fire for a heart._________________________________________________
I'm not scared of the dark._________________________________________ _______________________________________You've never seen it look so easy. |