Thread: The Broomshed
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Old 01-27-2010, 02:19 AM   #23 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Royse Witkin
Seventh Year
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sugary sweet Evil Pastry Lady

Originally Posted by destinyjazzhands View Post
Why was Destiny here? She didn't even own a broom to learn haw to take care of! She should have bought that broom instead of her kitten, whom she hasn't seen in like two days. She would just get housepoints instead, Merlin knows Slytherin needed them points.

'Hello Professor..Vinny.' Yep, that'll work. she thought as she sat down next to Evelyn.
Miles' eyes grew as he heard someone call Vindictus..Vinny and he looked at the Professor. He was tempted to correct her since she OBVIOUSLY didn't know but...well it would be more amusing not to. Sitting back he looked up as someone else walked in and smiled at Livvy.

Originally Posted by Daffy.Potter View Post
EEEEEE... Class time!

Grinning cheerfully, Livvy made her way around the castle and onto the grounds and onto the lil' path leading up to the broomshed that was next to the Quidditch Pitch. The idea of Flying class made her giddy to the core. She just LOOOVVED flying class. Who said it wasn't a subject? It SO WAS. And Professor Vindickityus just made it soooo fuuunnn. Livvy knew she could always look forward to it.

"Hellooooooo Professor Vindicki -... tus. Vindictus. How has your day been so far?" Yes. Save it before he found out about the nickname she had unofficially given him.

Smiling, Livvy took a seat on the bench near Miles. "Hi Miles," she greeted.
He nodded at Livvy and smiled, "Hey Livvy."

Originally Posted by demented_death_eater View Post
"It's Professor Vindictus," he replied rather curtly and nodded at the others who came into the shed.

"As you can see, we're meeting today in the school Broomshed so that you can learn everything about Broom Care. Please walk over to the broom rack located on the eastern wall and select a broom, then return to your seat."
And then it was...classtime. YES!! Hoping up he walked over toward the rack that he was familiar with wishing he'd brought his own broom though and grabbed a good looking broom and another for Livvy. Heading back over toward the bench he smiled and handed her the broom. "Here you go. Since I was up already," he said with a grin and sat back down.
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