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Old 01-26-2010, 06:36 AM   #78 (permalink)
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Join Date: Oct 2007
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Allison Scott
Fifth Year

Originally Posted by grangerfan8 View Post
Arya jumped down from the counter but continued to drum her fingers. All the sugar in her system was making her impatent. She smirked at her friend, poping a piece of gum into her mouth. "Fine that way. I won't tell you what I'm gonna be."Of course she herself didn't know what she wanted to be. Maybe an elf from LoTR...that's what she was three years ago.She ran her fingers through her hair. "Nope, my muggle friends were over too much to hide them. Plus between my mom not believing in have survents and my dad wanting to live more like a muggle it would've never happened."Looking down the counter she noticed a woman who she figured to be the shopkeeper. Standing on her tippy toes she waved her hand in the air to get her attention before turning back to Allison. "Then there's the living in a muggle town. The owls we can explain cause my mom's a vet but not the elves."
"They aren't really servants you know." Thinking about her house-elf she grew worried. She hadn't seen her since her departure from her home in Texas, not knowing whether to worry because she wasn't there to keep the house elf busy or be happy for her house elf because perhaps it would learn the art for once of being lazy, Allison chose to ignore her mixed emotions and kept on chattering, "Anywho. It's tough being gifted with magic in Muggle towns. Mum's been jabbering about moving away from there. She thinks coming to Europe with my grands and grandpop would be more...right. House-elves make too much noise disappearing back and forth. And well, seems one of our Muggle neighbors called animal control this past summer cause of the owls, while meh mum was with me getting meh wand. She didn't want to talk about it, said it was all fixed. So who knows." Noticing that Arya had begun to wave at the woman Allison waved as well.
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