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Old 01-26-2010, 05:08 AM   #2243 (permalink)
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Blonde&Proud Sirius Sense of humor

Originally Posted by Gryffindoll View Post
Vianna's lips curved into a smile as Ferris began kissing her back, already preparing herself to announce her victory. However, it was then that the boy suddenly stopped kissing her, something which she hadn't seen coming. Her eyes opened for a brief second, widened with surprise before her brows furrowed slightly and she closed them again, deepening the kiss she was placing on the boy's lips. She couldn't help but feel awfully strange, though, kissing a pair of lips that didn't move at all. She almost felt as if she was invading the boy's personal space, but she was quick to get her head back in the game; she was determined to win. No way was she going to lose.
Ferris was practically dying, sitting there as nonresponsive as possible as Vianna deepened their kiss, apparently not thrown by his lack of response. Oh this was horrible...and so, so weird. He was just itching to bring her closer, kiss her back, return something, anything. But he couldn't....It was a bet, he couldn't let his girlfriend win now, she would never let him live it down. He had self restraint....Right? He pulled his head back for a moment, eyes still closed, "You're not making this easy Vi," he murmured before her lips were once more on his dull ones.
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