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Pop out of nowhere? "Considering I don't have my apparation license yet...no." she smiled, placing her her jacket down on her lap. Sighing, she stretched her arms out on and cracked her back before leaning her head on the table, practically taking the whole space with her arms.
Listening to the suggestion of Shepherd's pie, Evelyn groaned in disgust, making a face and closing her eyes. "Shepherd's pie is gross." she mumbled, before sitting up quickly and snatching the menu out of Destiny's hands. Hmm, that sounded good. And that one too...
"I might get a turkey sandwich." she said after one quick glance over the menu before handing it back to Destiny. Food sounded good. She had missed dinner and breakfast, so now, she felt incredibly empty. What made her miss dinner last night anyways? She knew she overslept this morning but could not for the life of her remember what happened the night before. "Are you going to get anything?"
Oh that Evelyn. Full of jokes.
'I know that.' Actually she didn't know that, Evelyn was full of surprises. But still, it was no excuse for her to just pop out of nowhere. She always seemed to scare Destiny.
Annnd her menu was gone.
'Of course Shepherd's pie is gross! It has no fruit in it!' If it wasn't so crowded in this place she would have flailed her arms around. She saved herself the embarrassment.
'A turkey sandwich.' she repeated as she took the menu. That did sound good, but she had her heart set on the soup.
'I'm gonna get chicken noodle soup.' She stood up to walk to the counter.
'No one better steal this table.' Destiny had her eyes on everyone..