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Old 01-26-2010, 06:25 AM   #76 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by jukjuk78 View Post
"You don't understand. We hadn't spoken in two weeks. That's a long time for a couple. I just thought it was slowing down. I didn't want to get in some big fight and end it then. I just..." he said not really telling the truth but that's what he told Ella. The thing is he stopped 'loving' Ella a long time before that. He fell in love with Cadence. He fell out of love with Ella when he went to her house. He then realized they had no spark.
Nikki stared at Nate, taking a bite out of her brownie, as she listened to him explain what had happened. She he finished, Nikki set her half eaten brownie down, took a sip of her butterbeer, and turned back to face him. "Nate, I've been in enough relationships to know when a guy is lying to me," She said. "Now, tell me the real reason." She added calmly.
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