Yeahhh, Mr White! Yeah science! Quote:
Originally Posted by Luna Laufghudd Aw, he opened the door. "Thankyou." She smiled and slipped inside. Well... it could be worse, right? "Maybe they're going for some kind of theme." Miranda crossed her arms and supported hear head with one upright hand, as if she was looking at a particulary interesting painting in a gallery. Giz yer...what? Miranda looked at the boy and decided to show him the coupon. Maybe he wanted to see it? Ooooh, what's he doing? Miranda was unsure if she wanted him to go get the stuff... If they hadn't gotten the stuff for free, she'd insist that she pay for her stuff, or buy him something in return. All this chivalry stuff was oblivious to her. Well, exept for the door opening and...this. "Yeah, sure." She nodded and turned to look around for a seat. "Uh, over there, maybe?" Point! Oliver smirked. “What theme do you reckon? A Victorian outhouse perhaps?” He mumbled quietly. He chuckled a little as Miranda examined their surroundings.
He watched her pause as he asked for the voucher noting the puzzlement on her face. He smiled and took the voucher from her and nodded when she pointed at a table. "Perfect." He said. He shoved his hands in his pockets once again, tensed his shoulders and turned to go to the bar. Quote:
Originally Posted by Samuel Huxley October. This meant that the kids from Hogwarts would all be swarming the village of Hogsmeade. And for the first time they would be allowed into the Hogshead.
Standing behind the bar and wiping a glass with a tatty and dirty looking rag, Samuel Huxley grimaced at the thought of kids invading his bar. But the other shopkeepers thought it would be good for business if they gave the kids coupons for free stuff at their shops.
He had been outvoted of course and so now he had to hand over free butterbeers. How does one make money by handing out free stuff? He leaned over the dirty looking bar and peered at what was available on the other side. Straightening up, he looked at the barman. “Can I have two butterbeers, please... and do you have chocolate cake?” Like, clean chocolate cake with no hair or dust. “I have these coupons the school gave me and my friend for the drinks.” He held them out to the man. “Erm... do these entitle us to clean glasses?” He asked in a pleasant tone.. although he couldn't help a wee smirk and a cheeky glint in his green eyes.
Last edited by noodles; 01-26-2010 at 12:41 AM.
Reason: Added Miranda's coupon. ^_^