Yeahhh, Mr White! Yeah science! SPOILER!!: <3 Quote:
Originally Posted by Luna Laufghudd She smiled crookedly up at the tall boy and was happy to see him loosing that hood. Oliver had looked so gloomy with it on, like he was hiding, but now he seemed more like himself. Or maybe it had been raining before?
And he wanted to get her back? Ugh. Miranda grimaced a little at that and wondered wether the DADA class comment had been his little revenge, or if he had been planning to...jinx her or something. But, she would let it go. There was no need to bring it up again or continue on that awful subject.
And then...her smile slowly turned into a thinner one as she raised an eyebrow, looking at Oliver like he was...something odd. Why was he staring at ther. Was he gaping!? What the... But then it dawned on her that he did not know she was joking. And how could he possibly, it wasn't a good one. "Oliver..." Miranda was about to tell him this, but then he spoke and she shut her mouth. She swayed a little with the elbowing and then there might have been some blushing. Her gaze dropped. "Aslong as you don't either." Because, really, he wouldn't be Oliver if he did.
Miranda gladly took his hand and smiled at the gesture. She agreed, the Hog's Head did look a bit odd and she was doubting that they had chocolate cake. Pout. "I'm sure it's...cozy?" Anytwho, he'd have to accompany her to Honeydukes later then, hehehe. Having a butterbeer with Oliver would be nice though, and she'd try not to get on his nerves... But she couldn't promise no poking incase something aquired her to use her battle skills again. Snort.
Nah, she was sure they'd have a good time. They always did, even though they sometime's ended a bit...intense. Oliver opened the door to the Hogs Head and gestured for Miranda to go inside. He followed her in and looked around. This place was... rank. And only a hand full of students were here – he could understand why. Still, as he had been saying all along, free butterbeer was free butterbeer. Just as long as the glasses were clean. “Giz yer voucher, Miranda. You wanna get a table while I go and order?” He smiled at the Hufflepuff and held out his hand to take the small piece of parchement.
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