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"Long story I'm guessing?Ah well,I will learn."she said smiling. "So,your a dancer?"she asked curiously.
Originally Posted by
Jason Potter Weasley
" Lucy, thanks for letting me danc with you, mam" Rex told her. " My favorite dish, t-bone steak, mashed potatoes, chilli beans, stringbeans and Mom's homemade apple pie" Rex explained to Lucy. "Now you tell me your favorite dish, mam" Rex said to Lucy.
"Well SweetWater is an All American City" Rex started telling Chelsea. " It is North of Lubbock, the more well known city because of country songs" Rex explained to Chelsea. " I will tell you more later" Rex said to Chelsea.
I like to eat food that is spicy, i love spicy food, it's very delicious and i do love homemade chocolate cake, mostly i love eating homemade items, and do love to cook sometime," she said and asked "
Rex do you love spicy food" and waved to the girl sitting with him "Hey, i'm Lucy and you?" she asked she had a feeling that she had met the girl earlier.