Originally Posted by Samuel Huxley
What the...?
Samuel vaulted the counter of the bar and strode over to the kid that was sitting on his own and drinking a butterbeer.
"Oi. You can't bring your own butterbeers in here. You have to buy one just like everyone else." He glared down at the boy, his nostrils flaring. "Where did ya get that from eh?" Probably from that squeaky clean pub down the road. The Three Broomsticks. Pfft...what a stupid name for a pub. Zachary was so startled that he fumbled the perspiring glass, which slipped from his grasp and went spilling into his hat. In all the excitement, he managed to lose a shoe as well."I-- uh..what butterbeer? I'd like to buy one if you could help me with that..please?"
After the glass, and the shoe, went tumbling into the boys top hat, the rabbit on his lap figured it to be the safest place away from the proprietor, and leapt into the end meant for a persons head. With his butterbeer, shoe, and rabbit gone, Zach picked up his hat and turned it over, tapping the top with his palm to show that nothing was coming out.
The butterbeer he thought he saw? All an illusion. He'd buy that, right?
__________________ In over his head |