~ Rise and Rise Again, Until Lambs become Lions ~ "Oooohhh. Sneeze no go well with headache." Sabel muttered, cracking open an eye when his head was tilted. He blinked at Arya, about to say something about her hand being in his hair when he was Allison storm off and vaugely remembered her words about being called a hobbit.
Sometimes, she was strange. It seemed any small thing could set her off.
Sighing he looked back at Arya, or the clear Arya with a fuzzy haze around her like a sheild. "I guess, Mr. Frodo...Pippin must be off to fight with Gondor for Minas Tirth. We...should hurry and found Mount Doom. Before this crazyness starts affecting the both of us."
That and he wanted to get off the cold floor and go lie down somewhere. Putting one hand on the wall, he rose to his feet a little wobbly and glanced at Raiden. "Are you coming with us Gandalf, or does Rohan need to know of the urgency of this matter?" He blinked at the boy and realized he wasn't exactly getting the references. "Err. Thank you. For coming to our aid."
__________________ I've got a fire for a heart._________________________________________________
I'm not scared of the dark._________________________________________ ![](http://i1371.photobucket.com/albums/ag302/Tazenhani/Amur%20Neverwinter/Amursiggy4thyear_zpsvej2lrgq.jpg) _______________________________________You've never seen it look so easy. |