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Old 01-23-2010, 05:09 AM   #10 (permalink)
Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: Flyingpigs. [GMT-5]
Posts: 12,081

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Mercedes A. Finklestein
x7 x3
James' Violin Buddy | Josey's Duckie ♥ | | Dandruffie's BFF | O Sparkly One


Astronomy. Sure Livvy liked to look up at the stars every now and then, but she couldn't really say she had much interest in the subject... nor was she actually good at the subject. What happened to just looking at stars and naming the constellations? But no... they had to go into all of the specifics. Livvy only liked subjects that she was good at. Those she didn't have much talent in, she viewed disagreeable.

But who said she had to view the new professor disagreeable right? No one. That's who. "Hello professor," Livvy greeted with a small smile and made her way towards an empty desk.

And then. Class started. Yayyy... She took hold of the article that was being passed around and began to read it.
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