Originally Posted by
aussiegirl Turning at the sound of Dylan's voice, Marcus gave the Slytherin an apologetic look. He had almost forgotten the boy was sitting there as well.
Would it be inappropriate to laugh at that statement? Most probably. So Marcus bit the inside of his lip and kept his composure. "Well I am sure there are sports that don't require any physical exertion. Um...there's golf or I could maybe set up a mini golf course. How does that sound Dylan?"
Great. He had been completely forgotten. Thats a nice thing to know. Dylan blinked, a few times. Trying to get over the fact that your favourite teacher had forgotten your existence, takes a while. A few blinks later, and he was over it.
He nodded, "Golf sounds quite reasonable. Especially mini golf. I hear it is quite relaxing." He only exerted himself if a part required it. Like stage combat. He was good at that. "Maybe fencing. I like the idea of fencing."