Sardine VIP || Shark Attack! || D A R T E R || Captain Oblivious Halfway there... Carter thought to himself. He was rather proud for not having passed out, had another coughing fit, or exploded anymore slugs. As usually Carter started by picking off the slugs on the handle. The Professor was right, they were getting bigger. Which probably meant they'd be a pain to get off the handle and easier to spot in the twigs.
He started on the first slug. He found he needed to go a lot slower and these bigger slugs were more prone to squeeze and swell up. He made small precise movements until finally the first big one was removed from the broom handle. He placed it carefully in the new bucket. He repeated the process a few more times, then he moved on to the twigs. He was really careful and slow with them. He didn't want to accidentally squish one between the twigs.
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