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Old 01-21-2010, 04:47 AM   #59 (permalink)
Join Date: Oct 2009
Location: Miami, Fl
Posts: 583
OMG like Siriusly?! || MRS. TOM RIDDLE . ( TEAM ]* S W I T Z E R L A N D

Originally Posted by Gryffindoll View Post
Psht, acting like royalty... yeah, right. Enid wasn't too sure about the healer's story, but why would the healer lie to her? She would have loved to remember all the things she must have said and done, though. As she would also like to remember who gave her and Alexa that spiked pumpkin juice, just to know who to hex next time they went to Diagon Alley.

But enough of that. Enid was hungry. And she was looking for the school kitchens to steal some food from the elves. Only problem was, she hadn't been to the kitchen since her second year and so she couldn't exactly remember how to find them. She knew she was close, but she wasn't sure where to go from here. And so the girl wandered up and down the corridor, searching for some type of clue that might lead her to the location she was looking for.
Cesar as always decided he was hungry and wanted a midnight snack. Although he's been to the kitchen earlier today. Upon walking to the pear painting he came across Enid, the girl who drunk spiked pumpkin juice and deserted him in the waiting room after she was healed. "Hey Enid. or should I say 'ma lady'" he teased. "Heading down for some 'spiked' cake?" He laughed once again, internally as he awaited her reply.
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