Thread: Torture Chamber
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Old 01-21-2010, 04:08 AM   #5 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Maximus O. Vindictus III
First Year
No Touchy! ♥ demented_teacher

"For a Gryffindor, I was expecting a more intelligent question but I guess that will suffice," Vindictus replied with a frown. "Vomit slugs. Disgusting little pests that love to feast on rotting wood. Which is why they're having a feast on the tail twigs."

"Your task is to gently remove each of these slugs and place them in the metal bucket under the table," he instructed and pointed to a rusty metal pail. "If you squeeze them too hard, then they'll burst like a gigantic zit and you'll get squirted in the face with gooey yellow pus that smells like rotten eggs."

That made Vindictus smile. "When you finish de-slugging one broom, place it on the floor and start on the next one." He stood there and folded his arms. "Get started."

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