Okay, I lied. Here is a ficlet from Luna's POV. 24. Lumos
“Hermione!” Luna shook her bushy haired friend awake. The girl had a serious case of nargle infestation. ‘Perhaps because of her close encounter yesterday?’ “Hermione, Bill’s made pancakes for breakfast. Don’t you want something to eat?” Hermione just shook her head at her and backed herself into a corner. Luna sat down with her and twirled her new wand; Hermione’s would be made as soon as the old man decided which tree would have the desired effect. He had said that too much was up in the air yesterday afternoon and he would need to sleep on it. Hermione looked curiously at the wand Luna was twirling and spoke shyly, “What’s that?” Luna thought nothing of the strange question and said, “My new wand. The old one was smashed.” Luna sighed, she’d miss it. Hermione nodded but seemed confused somehow, “And what’s a wand?” She asked while biting a strand of her bushy hair. Luna tilted her head to better see the nargles, could nargles cause brain melt? She smiled dreamily and said matter-of-factly, “You do magic with them,” Luna casts Lumos to illustrate the concept, “Is this about Professor Snape?” Hermione looked absolutely clueless and asked, “Who is that?” |