1. Accio
He couldn’t believe how foolishly brave the girl was acting. And how bloody brilliant she must have been to figure out his and Albus’ plan. ‘Or maybe it wasn’t as bullet-proof as Albus had insisted.’ He smirked lightly, not listening to Bella yammering on about the girl actually liking being tortured. He didn’t even see the girl blush but said anyway, “Don’t be ridiculous Bella. Only you like to be tortured. Why else would you displease the Dark Lord so much?” She smiled knowingly, which was a bit frightening on her face, and said with her slightly harsh voice, “She smiled the whole time, like it was bliss. I know you weren’t looking at her closely, but I was. I would know what to look for.” He conceded the point grudgingly, “Yes, you would.” The girl was fidgeting; it would tingle a bit afterward, or burn if you had been under a bit too long. “Accio, my potions bag!” Bella looked at him suspiciously so he said as he picked out a dark bottle, “This will help us more than you, girl.” He opened her mouth and tipped the potion inside; her mouth closed until she swallowed it reluctantly. “Good.” |