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Waterloo "YAAAAAAY!!!" Mildred sung loudly, clapping her hands together when the stuttering boy conjured his flowers. Well... just a tiny daisy. But STILL! He seemed so happy! So she was happy for him!! "Excellent job!"
Awww, this was one of the best days EVER. Grinning at... wasserface, Jake held himself proudly and looked around at the classroom. He was not even disheartened by the fact that everyone else was so much better. If he could do this, he could do anything (Jake was forgetting his first year when he'd found magic... okay).
"Or-kid-ee-us!" the boy anounced again, pointing his wand at the air in front of him. This time, he didn't get a daisy, but a small pile of leaves that were obviously from some kind of ash tree. Scratching at his head with his wand, Jake blinked.
He was just tired... and making MAGIC!
He was getting the knack of it again. Now he just had to catch up on the last two years' practical edumacation.