Now this was worth putting some energy into! Grinning, Daphne abandoned her position. She was through observing Garret Crocker be...Garret Crocker. The
boy creature alien life-form clearly had some issues he needed to deal with. Flicking her wand once, Daphne vanished the butterflies/moths.
"We're conjuring flowers now," she said to him, nose returning to its classical wrinkle. "Just so you know."
Once more, Daphne turned her brightest grin in the Professors direction. WHY couldn't they have done this from the beginning. Clearing her throat, Daphne rolled her shoulders before sweeping her left arm in an arch. Circle. We're making a circle. While she did that, she thought of the prettiest and best flowers she knew. "Orchideous!"
Choosing Neptune's desk for the reception area, Daphne almost clapped at how brilliant her
bouquet of tulips had turned out. They looked pretty even from a distance. Maybe she should conjure one for Raiden too! Then they could be FLOWER MATES.
Coughing, Daphne placed a dainty hand against her lips. She was not to laugh at Raiden Kururugi.
But...Merlin, his life was just filled with funnies as of late.