Originally Posted by
jukjuk78 "The waltz sounds easy enough. Maybe I'll catch on quickly?" he said holding her hands and stepping close to her.
"Oh I'm sure you will! You're good with your feet... I watched you play soccer in Muggle Studies." she said with a wink. She took his right arm and placed his hand between the middle and top of her back, right underneath her left shoulder blade. Taking his left hand in a closed dance hold, she extended his arm out to where it needed to be. Then, she placed her left hand on his shoulder, allowing her left arm to rest on top of his right.
"Now, this is called closed position. Right now I'm sort of supporting the weight of your right arm because you don't know where it goes yet, but when you dance ballroom, well, you just need to get used to the fact that the guy does the majority of the work and the girl just moves around and looks pretty." she said with a giggle.
"So, in ballroom, it is the guy's job to hold up the dance frame... meaning our arms. Just take a second and get used to how it feels because you're going to have to store this feeling in your muscle memory. I'm going to release the tension in my arms now, and you have to hold the frame, okay?" she asked, and then allowed her arms to relax slightly, hoping he would be able to keep the frame up without her help.