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Old 01-19-2010, 08:54 PM   #277 (permalink)

Mackled Malaclaw
Join Date: Oct 2008
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YOUR Nixy. || Prefect Rainbows! || Deniz'in Müzik Kardeşi

Iris grinned brightly at the professor. Very enthusiastic. More of the teachers should be like her.

She watched the wand movement and listened to the incantation: or-KID-ee-ous. Right. Iris muttered it a few times and then picked up her wand, and tried the movement a few times. Then she put them together.

"Orchideous!!" she muttered. Hmmm. No flowers ... Awww. SAD FACE!! Iris thought about a type of flower - the best type of flower. The flowers that were so truely awesome that only her name [Goddess of the Rainbows. Duh] could live up to. The Rainbow Roses. Who ever came up with messing with the genetics of Roses to make these were GENIOUS'S!! Seriously - they were.

Iris gave the spell another go. She did the movement and smontaneously said the incantation, "Orchideous!!!". This time it worked - huge, beautiful, rainbow coloured roses had sprouted from her wand.

EEEP!!! hehe. They were B-E-A-UTIFUL!!! hehe.

"Professoooorrr!! I diid it!" She quealed as the butterfly left her hair and landed on the flower. NOMNOMNOMONMNOM!!!
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