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[B][COLOR="DarkOrchid"]Clearing her throat, Mildred moved back to the front of the classroom in order to address the kiddies. "Does anyone know what butterflies EAT!?" She giggled, happy with the swarm of colour they'd all created. Minus the few brown moths anyway.
Iris looked up from the large array of rainbowishly coloured butterflies that she'd managed to conjour when Professor Pilliwickle spoke loudly to everyone. What do they eat? She raised her hand,
"Um ... Don't they eat leaves and flowers and ... leaves?" she said, slightly unsure as a blue butterfly decided to perch itself on her head. Iris frowned slightly at it, but decided that as long as it didn't excrete on her, then he was fine sat there.
Butterflies look pretty in her hair, anyways. hehe.