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Zoerawrr Still pressing the handkerchief up to his sore sooooore nose, Jake had his eyes squeezed shut, his face pale. Really, he could take pain... But the idea that his nose was now straight but he had been born WITH it straight... Yeah, that was worrying.
Only focusing on making sure Dylan was still with him, Jake didn't know Lawson was now in the room but he kept hearing the same people talk.
"Sssub-one shut ddddat KID UP!" the boy snapped, wincing in pain as he did. Stupid ball must have caught him wrong. He had a splitting headache and was clearly very upset.
" No one tells me to shut up" he told the boy. " Have some class you loser" he snapped at the boy. "At least you know your name and everyone's name" he snarled at the boy.
" Kay, Victoria, Georgiana, whre are you?" Rex asked them. "Who are Kay, Victoria, Georgaina and this guy named Rex?" he asked the girls.