Originally Posted by
Hello, I'm, not a new reader. I've been following this story since the first day it came out. I haven't posted on it for various reasons, but I can't help it. I want to post on this. Please excuse me for quoting so much here, but I had to, because brilliance deserves attention. I love Dumbledore, and you wrote him expertly. OK, I'll be quiet now, and continue to read when you post.
I've seen you looking at the thread, so I'm glad you've commented.

And I would really love it if you carried on to comment because I love to hear from my readers.
It's not too much, I quote quite a bit sometimes, too.
I tried my hardest to make it as much like Dumbledore as I can, and I'm quite happy with that part. I'm glad you like it, too. xD
There's no need to be quiet at all.
Originally Posted by
Hahahahaha! Thanks Toniluffee. xDD I'm glad I amused you..
Yesh, I like the evilness.
Originally Posted by
cool...waiting for more...
Thanks harita. More tomorrow, probably.