Its okay, I'm glad you enjoyed it! I do feel more comfortable with my story now, as I have more idea's on what will happen with it in the future. Yes, poor Aden, I was thinking the same thing with the Dursley's, but I didn't want to be too similar to JKR's stories... You'll be finding out more about Snape pretty soon, it should be a nice little twist (at least, it is for me, in my mind).
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And, I feel today is an important holiday, and I know it is not recognized world wide, but it definitely helped shape the US. And with all the racism out there, I feel that (hopefully) the people viewing my page and you loyal readers would see it and think twice about judging others based off of who they are. If it's one thing HP has taught me, it is to accept and love everyone, even your enemies. As Dr. Martin Luther King once said "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that." This couldn't be more true!
I'm working on chapter 10 at the moment and I'm starting my 2nd semester of my sophomore year in college tomorrow, so my posts may be a little bit delayed. Chapter 9 will be posted soon though.
Thank you all for reading!

I greatly appreciate it!