Originally Posted by
Waterloo [B][COLOR="DarkOrchid"]
"Correct! The opposite of transfiguration IS untransfiguration! Well done, sweetie." Awwwww, what a cutie pie!
Arya beamed. She didn't expect her random guess to be currect.
Originally Posted by
Waterloo [B][COLOR="DarkOrchid"]
Clearing her throat, Professor Pilliwickle gave her wand a twirl.... almost dropping it in the process. "As you've probably noticed, this room is a little DULL." Ugh, it was horrid! "So I want us to brighten it up by conjuring some BUTTERFLIES!" Because they were all fluttery and pretty and just WHEEEE!! "It's a fairly simple spell, but requires lots of concentration!" She had no doubts with this bunch! "So, in order to conjure something, you need to concentrate hard on what it is you're trying to make appear. Picture it in your minds. Don't be afraid to close your eyes if you're easily distracted!" She had to do that sometimes. "And when you're ready," she continued, "simply wave your wand and say the incantation! Papilio!"
"Can you all repeat that for me? Without wands for the moment? Papilio!"
Arya listened as the professor spoke and repeatd the incantation along with her.
"Papilo! Papilio!"She went on like this until she was sure she would get the spell right.
Originally Posted by
Mildred tried to listen out and make sure the kiddies were pronouncing the incantation correctly.. but really, with hearing like hers it was just useless. Ah well. She'd see how well they could do nooooow!
Demonstration time? Demonstration time!
"You have to make sure you say the incantation clearly. And keep your wand movements clean," she explained carefully. Confident in her explanation AND the students abilities, Mildred gave her wand a neat swish and WOOOOO! a small amount of PURPLE butterflies fluttered from her wand and brightened up the room a little.
"The older students should be able to conjure butterflies non-verbally," she giggled, unable to wait much longer. "Let's see what you can do!"
Arya flicked her wrist, her wand landing in her hand. Practicing the motion first, she wispered the spell. As she said it she could feel the wand getting warm in her hand, ready to preform the spell, if only she put more magic behind it. Becoming excited she gave her wand a swish and said,
"Papilio!" And out of nowhere came four beautiful green butterflys.
"Wow..."She stared in amazement at the butterflys, proud of her acomplishment.