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Old 01-19-2010, 02:20 AM   #117 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Cora Dredworth
Sixth Year

connoisseur of comfort ❅ Crayola's Wibby Mrs Alex Turner ❅ Netflix and meow

Originally Posted by Zieko View Post
"Those are the one's that you conjure something out of thin air," scratching her chin she smiled, "Like if I were hot I'd conjure a fan to fan myself with it."
"Yes yes! Those are the ones! And excellent example!" Mildred agreed kindly.

Originally Posted by MidnightSilver View Post
Ella raised her hand. "Would Aguamenti be considered a conjuring charm?" Because you did conjure up water with it. She racked her brains for any other charms she could think of that conjured up anything. What was it that conjured up birds? Avos? Awiz?

"There's that.. bird-conjuring spell too.. I can't think of the name. Something with an A.." she answered. scrutinizing her face with concentration. She liked how cheery the teacher seemed to be. Ella had never seen one as happy and bright as her.

OH! And then there was one her brother Hunter had used when she had got a cut. "And Ferula! For conjuring up bandages and such? I don't think we have a need for those right now.. but just ideas.." Ella felt as if she was on a roll. Good brain.
"All fine examples, dear!" They seemed to know a lot about conjuring! That was good!

Originally Posted by Pink Ninja View Post
Raising her hand Alexa smiled and said, "You mean like Aguamenti, ma'am? Because it conjures a stream or fountain of water, correct?" She smiled and shot a small wink over to Lorcan.
"Correct!" Mildred sung happily. "Aguamenti is indeed a conjuring spell!"

Originally Posted by SenoritaMaxie View Post
Gold raised her hand. "Ferula is one, right, professor?" She asked. She really wasn't sure, to be honest. "I say so because it sort of ... creates a bandage and splint out of thin air."

Conjuring, right?

"As is Ferula," she carried on with a nod and ANOTHER bounce. She was feeling bouncy.

Originally Posted by destinyjazzhands View Post
Destiny raised her hand and waved it around..again. She had to get the Professor's attention somehow. 'Incendio. That conjures fire.' Or something like that..
"AND Incendio, yes!" Conjuring fire wasn't what she had in mind for today though. Dangerous!

Originally Posted by individual View Post
"There is the...avis spell Professor." she said, raising her hand. "Conjuring a flock of birds." Teehee, good times. Good times. Or what was that one that they had to do in DADA last year? Darn, she forgot! But she totally LOVED Destiny's answer. Fiiiiire.
"Avis is the incantation for conjuring birds, yes, sweetie." Mildred said with another of her girlish giggles.

Originally Posted by EmilyMalfoy View Post
"Professor?" Emily raised her hand. "If you cast a conjuring spell would you have to kno where somthing is before you conjure it then conjure that, and have it disappear from where it was, kind of like a summoning charm? OR would you just make one out of thin air?"
"It's not summoning, dear, so you don't have to know where the object is," Mildred answered the young girls question with a beam. "So it's more exciting than summoning! Because it does come out of thin air! FUN FUN FUUUN!!

Cela did raise her hand for this one. "Ma'am? A lot of medical spells are conjuring spells. Antarius Ontin, Aidonsi Traci and Inurio Bani for example. They conjure an antiseptic cream, a brace and bandages respectively."
"Medical spells, yes!" Mildred said in agreement, "because if there's an emergency you'll need to conjure up something in a hurry! Clever girl!"

Becca raised her hand at the foos comment, "I thought any conjuration to do with food was not aloud due to The Five Principal Exceptions to Gamp's Law of Elemental Transfiguration, Professor?"
"You're right!" Professor Pilliwickle beamed proudly at the mention of Gamp's Law. "Food is one of the objects that can't be conjured." But that was for another lesson. Perhaps? Hm.

Clearing her throat, Professor Pilliwickle gave her wand a twirl.... almost dropping it in the process. "As you've probably noticed, this room is a little DULL." Ugh, it was horrid! "So I want us to brighten it up by conjuring some BUTTERFLIES!" Because they were all fluttery and pretty and just WHEEEE!! "It's a fairly simple spell, but requires lots of concentration!" She had no doubts with this bunch! "So, in order to conjure something, you need to concentrate hard on what it is you're trying to make appear. Picture it in your minds. Don't be afraid to close your eyes if you're easily distracted!" She had to do that sometimes. "And when you're ready," she continued, "simply wave your wand and say the incantation! Papilio!"

"Can you all repeat that for me? Without wands for the moment? Papilio!"

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