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ImAGrape Pierre slapped himself mentally for not remembering that. He got a chuckle out of her last question. "Of course I'm a boy." Wow. This girl is strange.
"Well, I'd rather you call me by my name, which is Pierre. And your name is?" He wanted to remember this girl by name and face so that he wouldn't have to ever ever endure helping her again. He rolled his eyes at her question about her nails. "I'm not big on pink and I really don't think you should be asking me about your nails."
Accent!Boy chuckled! Lorelai grinned at this and then shrugged. "Are you suuuuuuure? , Because you miiight be a girl in disguise. And then you'd be lieing, and I dont like liers." Hmpfh.
Pierre? Sounded FOREIGN. "Pierre? I prefer accent!boy. I'm Lorelai. Prefer Lori. But you, accent!boy, can call me Lorelai. So, where you from? Considering like.. You sound foreign, your name sounds foreign too.." She giggled a little bit, and looked down at her nails and frowned. "But I am asking you, and it's only polite accent!boy, to answer honestly."