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"Well," Cadence said, absentmindedly pulling her wand back out of her pocket. "I wouldn't mind so much having a PINK cat. It would be the cat part I wouldn't like." she said with a laugh. Pointing her wand at the ground, she began making a few small rocks levitate up and down. "Now, a pink owl, that would be pretty awesome! Oo! Or a purple one... that would be even better. Arya would look good purple." Cadence giggled as she thought about what people would think if they saw a purple owl flying through the sky. Though, now that she was at Hogwarts, she didn't really have anyone to send letters to anyway. Her grandparents definitely didn't care that she was gone. They even told her not to come back until the summer.
Whatever. Cadence said in her mind.
"I llllike c-c-cats," Jake mumbled, watching Cadence do her magic thaaaaang. NOW he was jealous. Cadence had been homeschooled and had said how terrible it was... and she could STILL do magic? NOWAII!
The boy wasn't really concentrating on the speech about girly-coloured animals. He was busy with a sudden realisation. The sudden realisation that he was doing just as Lawson said and spending
time with Cadence. The thought that he was doing as he was told shocked and appalled the boy, and he blinked.
"I should g-g-go," Jake said suddenly, and now he thought about it, there was alot of stuff he could be doing.
"Sssstill haven't fuhh-found Tibi," he added, not explaining who Tibi was. Instead, Jake stood on the monkey bars and jumped straight down, before looking up at Cadence.
"I'll suhhh-see you llllllater?"